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The first CIPTEC co-creation workshop held in Siena

On June, the 9th, Tiemme organized the first CIPTEC co-creation workshop . The workshop took place in the Santa Maria della Scala museum complex in the “Bibliotechina” room.
The workshop focused on involving different Public Transport users categories in a co-partecipative event in order to identify innovative solutions able to improve the performances and quality of Public Transport operated by Tiemme and to answer to unsatisfied needs of users.
MemEx supported Tiemme in the preparatory phase.
The workshop started with an introduction of the context and objectives and a presentation of the CIPTEC project provided by speakers at institutional level. Then the participants have been divided into three co-creation groups in order to facilitate their involvement, the identification of strengthens and critical factors of the PT services and the innovative ideas taking into account the reference context of the project and the role of mobility services in the overall urban city services.
During the co-creation tables, the workshop participants have been invited to write their ideas on post it and to put them over panels on the wall of the room. The workshop has identified some relevant needs on users information, customer care, co-modality of bus with train and bike, tariff incentives for students and other users categories and on-board control for ticketing. Relating to some of these needs, proposals have been submitted by the participants. Tiemme is committed to analyze the feasibility of these ideas and to come back to participants selcting the most feasible for implementation with timeplan and feedbacks. Added to the second workshop organized within CIPTEC in November, Tiemme is committed to make the co-creation approach a stable and on-going procedure for the planning of the PT services.