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SMARTA project video is online!

Are you interested in knowing better the SMARTA project? MemEx is glad to announce that the project promotional video is now online. Watching the video, you will get to know the activities and most important results reached by the project in few minutes. The video is available on YouTube at this link.
The SMARTA project – Smart rural transport areas – is about to come to its final stage. The final conference Rural Mobility Matters – Developing Smart Rural Transport Areas, took place last 10th and 11th December 2020. Different stakeholders and institutions, such as the European Commission (DG MOVE, DG AGRI), the European Parliament, the European Leader Association for Rural Developmet, and many others actively participated to the discussion on recommendations for sustainable mobility and accessibility in rural areas. Video-recording of the event is available here
MemEx, SMARTA project coordinator, is elaborating the final set of SMARTA recommendations targeted both to the European Parliament and Commission and to each member state