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SMARTA-NET: First Workshop on Shared Mobility Solutions

Memex, coordinator of the European project SMARTA-NET, with the patronage of the Municipality of Narni, successfully organized the first project workshop on the Italian territory. The event took place on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at the DigiPASS of Narni Municipality, and focused on the analysis of shared and sustainable mobility solutions in rural areas.
The event was attended by representatives of local authorities of the Terni territory, with particular reference to the municipalities of the Cammino dei Protomartiri Francescani Area, and representatives of local public transport operator and mobility agency of Umbria Region. In the first part of the event, MemEx technicians presented some good practices such as demand transport services, car sharing, and solutions aimed to the integration of the services with local public transport. Whie, in the second part of the event, participants attended to working and discussion tables in which sharing their knowledge and experience in the mobility sector to identify possible synergies between the initiatives and strategies of the public entities to improve the accessibility of the Municipalities and neighbouring villages.
SMARTA-NET project foresees other three workshops, focusing respectively on the following themes:
- Implications and cooperation between tourism and mobility in rural areas;
- Sustainable mobility plans: guidelines for rural areas;
- Funding opportunities and funds for mobility services.
The next one is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. Contact us to keep updated and take part in future SMARTA-NET events!