P.za Elia Benamozegh, 17, 57123 Livorno LI
0586 211646
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ISTEN project was financed by the INTERREG ADRION programme and aimed at qualifying ADRION Ports as strategic nodes and hubs for the ADRION Region by setting up strategies, clusters and joint action plans to improve hinterland intermodal connections pushing in particular rail freight flows and last mile connection to the TEN-T Corridors
ISTEN final output is a STRATEGIC AND LOCAL PLAN for the development of an integrated hubs network at ADRION Region scale.
The project started in December 2017 and ended the 30th November 2020. The project comprised 10 Partners (7 ERDF and 3 IPA) from 7 ADRION countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Greece) including 5 port authorities, three research centres, 1 regional administration and one national chamber of commerce.
MemEx was appointed by the Lead Partner, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, for the support in the technical and financial management of the project and by ITL, partner of the project for the elaboration of the ISTEN Local Actions Plans Portfolio and ISTEN Strategic Action Plan, the main output of the project.

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MemEx è una società indipendente di consulenza ingegneristica attiva sin dal 1994 nel settore della Mobilità, Trasporto Pubblico, Logistica Urbana, sistemi ITS, iniziative Smart Cities e progettazione Europea.



Piazza Benamozegh, 1757123 Livorno
Via Cassa di Risparmio, 1134121 Trieste
Tel. +39 0586 211646
Fax. +39 0586 1580651
P.IVA e C.F. 01121180499
Capitale Sociale € 10.330



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