Eu Projects
The EU Project Division is the sector of MemEx which deals with the company’s activities at international and European level.
The team of the EU Project Division comprises personnel with different administrative/financial and technical expertise, with specific competence in the sectors of mobility engineering and urban development, public transport, logistics, environment, ICT technologies and smart systems technologies. They also possess elevated linguistic proficiency in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
MemEx has nearly thirty years’ experience in projects funded by numerous national, regional (e.g. Regional Operating Programmes under the ERDF) and European programmes in different areas. These include research programmes (such as FPV, VI, VII, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe), cooperation initiatives (such as INTERREG MED, Alpine Space, Europe, Central Europe) and initiatives dealing with energy and the environment (such as LIFE ENV and, former, Intelligent Energy Europe).
MemEx is an active member in several consortia, either with the role of coordinator or of partner, and is also involved indirectly, providing support to national and European clients in the various phases of the process, from the drafting of the proposal through the project development.

Eu Projects
The “SMARTA-NET – Sustainable rural mobility for resilience in support of ecotourism” project is an initiative of the European Commission, promoted by the General Directorate for Mobility and Transport – DG MOVE – and supported by the General Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Development – DG AGRI – as part of the European strategy for sustainable mobility in rural areas. The two-year project, mobilised on 1st December 2022, aims to promote different types of mobility and sustainable transport in rural areas, and to encourage the integration of sustainable shared mobility solutions with public transport in rural and peripheral territories, with a focus on touristic areas.
Eu Projects
MOTIVATE project was financed under the “Urban Transports” thematic of the Interreg MED Program, and contributes to the uptake of low-carbon transport in five MED cities – Ioannina, Rhodes, Larnaca, Almada and Siena – by actively engaging travellers in the development and implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) through the use of social media and crowdsourcing techniques.

Eu Projects
ISTEN project was financed by the INTERREG ADRION programme and aimed at qualifying ADRION Ports as strategic nodes and hubs for the ADRION Region by setting up strategies, clusters and joint action plans to improve hinterland intermodal connections pushing in particular rail freight flows and last mile connection to the TEN-T Corridors
ISTEN final output is a STRATEGIC AND LOCAL PLAN for the development of an integrated hubs network at ADRION Region scale.
Eu Projects
INCLUSION was a 3-year European project (H2020), ended in October 2020, that aimed to address a number of challenges related to the accessibility of public transport in remote urban and rural areas. The scope of INCLUSION project was to understand, assess and evaluate the accessibility to transport solutions in European prioritised areas, identify gaps and unmet needs, propose and test a range of innovative and transferable solutions, including ICT-enabled elements, ensuring accessible, inclusive and equitable conditions for all and especially vulnerable user categories.

Eu Projects
MemEx leading a consortium composed by the University of Aberdeen (UK) and the three companies Vectos (South) Limited (UK), Transport & Mobility Leuven NV (BE) and European Integrated Projects SRL (RO) participated to and won the tender n° MOVE/B4/2017/473 launched by the European Commission – Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) titled “SMARTA – Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European Rural Areas”.
Eu Projects
MemEx is partner of CIVITAS DESTINATIONS a four year Innovative Action project, started in September and funded by the EU H2020 CIVITAS Program. The project main aim is the integration of sustainable tourism and mobility strategies trough the development of a series of innovative solutions in six European touristic sites. These solutions aim to improve urban accessibility, the cost effectiveness and integration of transport services and to reduce emissions and energy consumption while answering to tourists and residents’ needs.

MemEx è partner del Progetto CIVITAS DESTINATIONS, uno dei tre progetti approvati sotto il programma H2020 CIVITAS nel campo della mobilità sostenibile.
DESTINATIONS ha l ’obiettivo di estendere l’iniziativa e le differenti misure CIVITAS alle destinazioni turistiche integrando soluzioni di mobilità sostenibile per i bisogni sia dei residenti che dei turisti.
MemEx è partner del progetto H2020 EVOLVE – HPC and Cloud-Enhanced Testbed for extracting value from diverse data at large scale” una Innovation Action che conta un consorzio di 19 partners da 11 paesi Europei.
Evolve è iniziato a Dicembre 2018 ed avrà una durata di 36 mesi.

In recent years, the shift towards sustainable mobility has gathered pace, with Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) crucial to driving this development. Despite their success, there remain some gaps.
MemEx is one of the 11 European partners of the UVAR Box project, directly funded by the European Commission (DG MOVE). The main objective of UVAR Box is to improve the process of digitalisation of the information related the UVAR – Urban Vehicles Access Regulation” (LTZ, LEZ, Congestion Charge, Pedestrian areas and Parking Regulation).

MED COLOURS (Mediterranean Collaborative Logistics for the Urban Space) is a 30 months EU Project co-funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme.
MED COLOURS is coordinated by the Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation in Emilia Romagna region aims at upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and planning enabling the transition to decarbonised and smart cities. By developing new Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs), MED Cities will plan resilient, sustainable, integrated, and collaborative innovation-driven solutions for the Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). This would help reducing the negative impacts of freight and logistics activities.