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Introducing the new website of the SMARTA-NET project!

We are pleased to announce that the website of the SMARTA-NET project is now online! This platform is the first achievement of the collaboration and shared vision for creating positive change in sustainable rural mobility. Join us as we embark on a journey to empower practitioners and policymakers to drive innovation and make a lasting impact on the accessibility of rural territories.
Thanks to the E40 team and the preparatory work of the SMARTA-NET Consortium, coordinated by MemEx, the site ( ) is now ready to share the first outcomes of the SMARTA-NET project. You will find all information related to the themes covered by the project, the activities, and the next planned events (see ).
Don’t miss the chance to explore the European Rural Mobility Network (ERMN) section ( ) where you will find how to join this pan-European network that aims to share knowledge, experience and good practices among local authorities, professionals and experts in rural mobility. In addition, the Reports and Guidance on sustainable mobility and tourism in rural areas will be available on the website soon.
For further information and details, please consult the website directly at the following link:
Don’t forget to follow the Twitter page of the project to stay updated!