P.za Elia Benamozegh, 17, 57123 Livorno LI
0586 211646
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Intelligent Transport System

MemEx provides technical/system assistance to local authorities and mobility and transport operators during the design, set-up, purchase, and implementation of ITS systems and digital solutions related to different transport services and logistics operations. In particular, MemEx has acquired significant experience in:

  • the AVM and AVL systems for the monitoring and management of the public transport services and the on-field vehicles/fleets;
  • the Integrated ticketing systems (SBE – account based/card based/EMV/QR-Code);
  • the Passengers counting systems (APC);
  • the Users information systems through VMS and Mobile APPs
  • the systems for the management and coordination of flexible transport services (e.g. DRTs, car-sharing, bike-sharing);
  • Systems for car park automation and video-surveillance
  • Restricted traffic area access control systems, Urban Traffic Control (UTC) systems
  • the tailoring of the “Mobility as a Service” (MaaS) concept for different urban contexts and different mobility services.

Our experiences

MemEx is an independent engineering consultancy company supporting Public Authorities, Mobility Agencies, Transport Companies and Operators in the design and implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Traffic Management, Smart Cities and Infomobility, Sustainable Urban Mobility and Public Transport, Rural and Shared Mobility Services, Urban and Port Logistics.



Piazza Benamozegh, 1757123 Livorno
Via Cassa di Risparmio, 1134121 Trieste
Tel. +39 0586 211646
Fax. +39 0586 1580651
P.IVA e C.F. 01121180499
Share Capital € 10.330



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