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1st Meeting of the European Rural Mobility Network

The first official event of the European Rural Mobility Network of the European project “SMARTA-NET” was held on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 June 2023 through the Zoom web platform. The meeting gathered for the first time ERMN members – and future members – to discuss on the main current challenges of rural mobility. This first two-day event was attended by 69 participants from 16 different countries, such as: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom.
The event was made up of parallel sessions, workshops and plenary sessions, allowed participants to share their experiences, their knowledge, perspectives and innovative solutions on sustainable mobility and eco-tourism of their territory. In addition, participants had the opportunity to discuss the good practices of rural mobility developed by the project.
The ERMN will organize five more events in the next two years, each of them with a specific theme based on the main topics of the SMARTA-NET project.
You can find the material and the summary report of the event at the following link: